Frequently Asked Questions
What is The CQC Way?
We are on a journey to co-create a new agreement between CQC, our people and providers, people who use services and wider stakeholders – we’re calling it the CQC Way.
We are holding two Big Conversations and six physical events, to gather input from across the organisation and our partners. One will involve all staff and another, running in parallel, will be a space for our partners in the healthcare system and beyond.
Building on the excellent work already achieved across our organisation, our colleagues and partners will be asked to check, challenge, and enhance content that has been co-developed in three key areas:
- Why and What: Purpose, vision, and strategic goals.
- How We Behave: Values and behavioural expectations.
- How We Regulate: Principles guiding regulatory practices.
This process, over a series of events and through our digital tools, will enable collective refinement and ownership. The final framework will be ready for launch in May 2025 to guide CQC’s culture, organisational form, governance and operations thereafter.
What is Safe Spaces?
To ensure that The CQC Way is co-created with the widest and most diverse possible audience, we are using the award-winning Clever Together Safe Spaces methodology. Born within the UK Healthcare sector, Safe Spaces bring together stakeholders in a mix of physical and digital engagements, seeking to create opportunities for everyone to share their views in a manner that is convenient and psychologically safe.
Safe Spaces defines a set of questions and analysis methods that have been proven to effectively elicit from staff and stakeholders the insight necessary to co-create an effective plan for the future that everyone can sign-on to and contribute to making happen.
Participants can, of course, engage in the physical events and share their views in that way. Alternatively, they can choose to share their views online, benefitting from the anonymity this method provides. The online conversation is hosted independently and operates like a virtual chatroom or discussion forum that you can join from any internet-connected device, at any time that suits you. It has been designed to be a psychologically safe place to share your opinions and have your voice heard.
Our conversation is intended to be an open and transparent place to post comments and suggestions anonymously, vote to support the ideas for others, or simply read what is being shared.
Who can get involved?
Everyone who with CQC is invited to join the online conversation and have their say. We're keen to hear from a wide and diverse range of stakeholders, including people who user services, providers, representatives of providers and beyond. This is an important opportunity for all of us to contribute our insights and help shape the direction of CQC for the coming years.
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When will the conversation open?
The online conversation will be open for two weeks from Wednesday 12 March until Wednesday 26 March.
What are the rules?
We welcome all ideas, even those that could be potentially controversial or about difficult topics. However, we expect you to be respectful with your contributions.
Please take a moment to read our community guidelines, which include some practical tips on how to use the platform and have as good conversations, as well as outlining our simple ground rules:
- Keep it anonymous
- Keep it respectful
- Keep it relevant
- Keep it legal
Our community guidelines also include some practical tips on how to use the platform and guidelines for having a good conversation.
How can I contribute to the conversation?
There are three main ways to contribute to the Conversation:
- Adding ideas
- Commenting on the ideas of others
- Voting on the ideas and comments of others
Do I have to make comments or post ideas?
No. You can simply log in and read the discussion or use the 'Like' and 'Dislike' buttons to submit your views. We believe that everyone has something to contribute.
Is it really anonymous?
Yes, your name or identifying information will not appear with any of your ideas, comments or votes on the platform. This means your contributions will be considered based on what you say, not who you are. Find out more about your anonymity here.
How can I see this website in other languages?
On desktop
In the top right-hand corner of your screen, you will see a translation icon which looks like this:
Click on this icon and a toolbar will appear at the top of your screen.
Click on the translate icon (fifth from the left) – this will open a dropdown. You can either scroll through the list or use the search function to choose your language.
On mobile
Follow the first step above and you will see three icons appear at the bottom of your screen. Click on the settings cog icon and then select the translation icon (pictured above). Then, choose your language from the list. This will then automatically translate all the text on the page into your chosen language. You can change this back at any time by following the same steps.
What other accessibility features are available?
As well as translating the page, you can also:
- Have the page read out loud in its entirety
- Highlight certain blocks of text that can be read out loud
- Display pictures related to text selected
- Convert selected text into an MP3 file
- Reduce screen glare and increase focus\Magnify text
- Remove distracting content from pages
By selecting the question mark icon in the toolbar you can access more information on how to use these features.
Please note that some ad blockers can stop the accessibility features from working correctly. If you can't see the icon in the top right corner and you're running an ad-blocker, please disable it for this website and refresh the page. You should now be able to see the icon. If you are still having trouble, please get in touch with our team on Oh, and don't worry, there are no hidden trackers on this website anyway.
How is the conversation facilitated?
This Conversation is being facilitated by the Clever Together team. The Facilitators may need to:
- Move some Ideas to other sections of the Conversation if that’s where they more logically fit.
- Split some Ideas that discuss multiple topics in one post. If your Idea contains more than one distinct topic, the Facilitators may choose to break the post up into multiple posts.
- Deal with inappropriate contributions. If contributions are reported to the Facilitators as breaking the Ground Rules, they may remove an Idea or comment.
The Facilitators will always contact you (without knowing your identity, via an email sent through the platform) if they do any of the above with your contribution. They may also add comments to the Conversation, inviting you to expand further or asking clarifying questions.
How is the conversation Analysed?
All contributions, no matter how large or small, will be read and analysed by Clever Together. They will then use qualitative thematic analysis to identify key themes and trends. Clever Together will highlight the main areas of discussion, and distil the findings into the building blocks of a new strategic framework for CQC.
We will also use key demographic data to ensure that contributions are representative of the CQC, reflecting diverse voices and opinions.
Who can I contact if I am having difficulty?
If you're having difficulty using the platform, please email the Clever Together team on